Did you know that you will get paid up to £30* for recommending another club to join teamthing.com? If the club joins by clicking your affiliate link, and they subsequently sign up for a ‘Pro’ account, you stand to make up to £30 for every club that you sign. We love when people talk […]
One really useful feature of your teamthing.com website is that you can create a customized list of all your member details. Once this list has been compiled it can be exported and used to print mailing labels. In this article we describe how you can quickly add member lists and export your list to a csv file, […]
You can easily add image adverts for your your club’s sponsors to your website’s sidebar. Your new teamthing website should already contain an ‘ET Advertisement’ widget containing some blank images which you can replace with your own sponsor images. However, you can also add as many advertisement widgets as you need to your sidebars and, in each […]
Favicons are the small 16 pixel by 16 pixel pictures you see beside some URLs in your browser’s address bar. To create a favicon for your teamthing site you need to do the following: From your dashboard choose Appearance>Theme Options. In the theme options ‘General’ Tab choose the ‘Upload’ button to upload an […]
All teamthing websites now allow you to add a fully customized header to your site. Adding a customized header to your website is easy; you can choose a completely customized header or choose to overlay your site title and logo/badge over a simple background. Adding a fully customized header A fully customized header […]
Ever wondered how the image that is shown for your news article on the slider on your home page is chosen? The answer is the featured image that is set when creating your news article. Featured images are used throughout your website in different ways including: Used for news article sliders. Some themes […]
All teamthing sites come equipped with an online store ready to sell your club merchandise and take payments. Some great features of your online store include… Ready to go for tax and VAT. Coupons, discounts and affiliate ready. Unlimited product variations. Stock tracking and alerts per variation. Categories and tags. Stock tracking and order management and alerts. […]
Showing a photo gallery in your website pages or news articles is a simple process. Every teamthing.com website contains a powerful media library which you can use to upload photos and images. Using this media library you can group your photos into galleries and then show these galleries to your users in your news […]
When you sign up to TeamThing.com you can automatically take advantage of a host of specialized widgets which can help to make your site truly useful. What Are Widgets? Widgets are the small sections of your website usually located in the side bar or the footer i.e. into ‘widget areas’. In the image below you […]