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Add your Sponsors to your Website Sidebar

You can easily add image adverts for your your club’s sponsors to your website’s sidebar. Your new teamthing website should already contain an ‘ET Advertisement’ widget containing some blank images which you can replace with your own sponsor images. However, you can also add as many advertisement widgets as you need to your sidebars and, in each […]

Adding, Editing & Removing Homepage Menu Items [UPDATED]

You now have total control over the menu items that appear on your teamthing website’s pages.   Add a new menu group. Your teamthing.com website comes with sample menu groups that you can either edit, or, remove and use completely new ones. These menu groups can then be used in the menu locations that your […]

Featured Images

Ever wondered how the image that is shown for your news article on the slider on your home page is chosen?   The answer is the featured image that is set when creating your news article.   Featured images are used throughout your website in different ways including: Used for news article sliders. Some themes […]

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