Never miss a payment. Collect monthly or annual subscriptions via your website. [iframe src=”” width=”559″ height=”314″] In order to set up your membership you must first describe the levels of subscription that you are offering and also indicate how you will take money e.g.through PayPal. The following steps will show you how […]
WordPress is a website management framework used by millions and supported by hundreds of developers; we took our time evaluating the best options for clubs like yours and building upon a framework like WordPress was a no-brainer. We pride ourselves as being part of the WordPress community by building all our club websites, and […]
One really useful feature of your website is that you can create a customized list of all your member details. Once this list has been compiled it can be exported and used to print mailing labels. In this article we describe how you can quickly add member lists and export your list to a csv file, […]
Classifieds will automatically create 3 (three) pages upon activation. Classifieds My Classifieds Classifieds Checkout Should you have any issues with this not being done or have the need to recreate these page you can completely Trash the pages, then deactivate and re-activate the plugin. We will come back to these in a bit to see […]
If you already own a domain name for your team you can use it instead of your free [myteam] domain name. Once your domain has been registered, the steps to use this address for your site are as follows: Step 1: Map the domain in your teamthing admin area. So, lets go to […]
Favicons are the small 16 pixel by 16 pixel pictures you see beside some URLs in your browser’s address bar. To create a favicon for your teamthing site you need to do the following: From your dashboard choose Appearance>Theme Options. In the theme options ‘General’ Tab choose the ‘Upload’ button to upload an […]
Do you have events planned and need to sell tickets? Do you want a page where people can RSVP? teamthing have you covered! Our eventing system has everything you can do with Facebook Events, plus a whole lot more: Integrates with PayPal. Sell tickets to your event and accept payment in any major currency. Hassle-free […]
All teamthing websites now allow you to add a fully customized header to your site. Adding a customized header to your website is easy; you can choose a completely customized header or choose to overlay your site title and logo/badge over a simple background. Adding a fully customized header A fully customized header […]
If using the visual editor is not your thing then teamthing allows you to create your news articles in MSWord and then paste them into our site. When adding a new news article (or page) pasting content from MS Word is a pretty easy process: First you need to open the advanced toolbar […]
How do I disable comments?
Every website comes equipped with the ability to allow your users to comment on stories and events using Facebook and Twitter. But, sometimes you might want to turn this commenting feature off for some articles; to disable comments, just follow these steps: Open the event or news article that you wish to turn comments […]