Never miss a payment. Collect monthly or annual subscriptions via your website. [iframe src=”” width=”559″ height=”314″] In order to set up your membership you must first describe the levels of subscription that you are offering and also indicate how you will take money e.g.through PayPal. The following steps will show you how […]
Did you know that you will get paid up to £30* for recommending another club to join If the club joins by clicking your affiliate link, and they subsequently sign up for a ‘Pro’ account, you stand to make up to £30 for every club that you sign. We love when people talk […]
Classifieds will automatically create 3 (three) pages upon activation. Classifieds My Classifieds Classifieds Checkout Should you have any issues with this not being done or have the need to recreate these page you can completely Trash the pages, then deactivate and re-activate the plugin. We will come back to these in a bit to see […]
Do you have events planned and need to sell tickets? Do you want a page where people can RSVP? teamthing have you covered! Our eventing system has everything you can do with Facebook Events, plus a whole lot more: Integrates with PayPal. Sell tickets to your event and accept payment in any major currency. Hassle-free […]
Fundraising and CrowdFunding Tools
teamthing comes loaded with powerful fundraising tools to help enable you to raise some much needed funds for your club. The tools give you full control over your fundraising, from the comfort of your dashboard. It’s everything you’ll need, plus a whole lot more: [list] Integrates with PayPal. Create suggested donation levels or let them […]