If using the visual editor is not your thing then teamthing allows you to create your news articles in MSWord and then paste them into our site. When adding a new news article (or page) pasting content from MS Word is a pretty easy process: First you need to open the advanced toolbar […]
Ever wondered how the image that is shown for your news article on the slider on your home page is chosen? The answer is the featured image that is set when creating your news article. Featured images are used throughout your website in different ways including: Used for news article sliders. Some themes […]
As a team manager I am always finding it difficult to keep up with the different ways our players and supporters are communicating with one another. One minute its Facebook, next minute its Twitter and lots still rely on trusty RSS. Wouldn’t it be great if you could write a news article once, click your publish […]
This article shows how you can tag your uploaded photographs so that you can then create separate gallery pages for each of your teams. If you have multiple teams at your club then you probably have a lot of photos all mixed in together showing pictures of different teams at your club. Trying to sort […]
We are glad to announce that the visitors to your free teamthing.com sports website can now comment on news articles and events using a choice of Facebook, Twitter, Google or their teamthing login. Ever been to a website and wanted to comment on a topic but its requires yet another signup screen for a […]
One handy tool that is enabled on all teamthing.com sports websites is the ability to place a Google map in any page, news article, or sidebar. If you need to place a quick map in one of your news articles or pages then Add Map To An Article: When you create a new page or […]
Showing a photo gallery in your website pages or news articles is a simple process. Every teamthing.com website contains a powerful media library which you can use to upload photos and images. Using this media library you can group your photos into galleries and then show these galleries to your users in your news […]
Sometimes the news articles that you create are also match reports. To mark a news article as a match report you should consider doing 2 things: [custom_list type=”dot”] When creating the post, mark the post in the ‘Match Reports’ category section. At the bottom of the post edit page look for the ‘Match-Report’ section, this […]
UPDATED – Now Even Easier Many teams use Facebook regularly and have uploaded up a large collection of photos to Facebook, showing these photos on your TeamThing.com website can be achieved in two ways: Upload the photos again to your teamthing.com website media library using Dashboard>Photo Albums Or, Keep the photos on Facebook and embed them […]
Add A FlipBook Or Flash To Your Free Site
This article shows how you can embed a flip book or any flash object into any news article or page. Some our users love to create their club newsletters using flash. This article shows how you can embed these Flash-based newsletters (in the example, using flipbuilder) into your site. teamthing.com does not currently allow […]