Tags: affiliate, clubs, create, dashboard, details, edit, free, image, menu, page, payments, paypal, pro, referral, section, teamthing, teamthingcom, using, website
Did you know that you will get paid up to £30* for recommending another club to join teamthing.com?
If the club joins by clicking your affiliate link, and they subsequently sign up for a ‘Pro’ account, you stand to make up to £30 for every club that you sign.
We love when people talk about us, we want to reward those that do; our affiliate program payments are high because we value the power of ‘word of mouth’.
The teamthing.com affiliate program is open to everyone.
To become an affiliate, and start earning up to £30 for a simple recommendation, just follow the steps below:
1. Create a teamthing.com account (You can skip this step if you already have an account e.g. you are an admin on a teamthing website)
Go to the register page for the teamthing.com website.
Fill out your details.
N.B. You can select the ‘Just a username please’ option if you only wish to create an account and not a free website as well.
2. Log in to your dashboard
Once you have created your account you can now log in and navigate to your admin dashboard.
Once you have logged in through the login screen you will see a link to your dashboard in the very top heading of the screen.
On your dashboard you will see menus on the left hand side of the screen.
Select the Profile>Affiliate Referrals menu item.
3. Enter your PayPal email address
All affiliate payments are sent direct to your bank account 30 days after your referral completes their sign up.
We pay directly into your paypal account, so you will require a paypal account to receive payments (free and easy to setup).
Just select ‘Yes Please’ from the ‘Enable Affiliate Links’ drop down and input the email address that you signed up to PayPal with.
Click the ‘Update Settings’ button.
4. Start using your Affiliate Link
Ok, now you are ready to start earning.
To view your affiliate link just click the ‘edit’ link above the settings area.
The affiliate link settings will now be visible.
On the settings screen you will see your affiliate link.
This is the link that people need to click, when visiting and signing up to our website, so that we can track that this signup is linked to your account.
You can use this link by:
- Sending it directly to people e.g. in an email
- Adding the link as a link on your website
- Or, any other way you can image using the link
5. Banners
We also provide banner/image advertisements that you can use which, when users click on them, will bring them to our website and enable us to track them back to your affiliate account.
The link, to view the available banners, can be found in the ‘Affiliate Details’ section of the screen.
6. View Your Statistics
We provide details of all clicks, signups and paid signups right in your dashboard window.
*Payouts are paid 30 days after the pro subscription is started
£30 applies to a 1 year pro subscription.
£7 for a 3 month sign up
£2 for a 1 month sign up
Tracking will take place for a maximum of 45 days i.e. if the club does not sign up with 45 days of clicking your link the referral payment will not be met.