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How do I disable comments?

Every website comes equipped with the ability to allow your users to comment on stories and events using Facebook and Twitter. But, sometimes you might want to turn this commenting feature off for some articles; to disable comments, just follow these steps: Open the event or news article that you wish to turn comments […]

Why we built on WordPress

WordPress is a website management framework used by millions and supported by hundreds of developers; we took our time evaluating the best options for clubs like yours and building upon a framework like WordPress was a no-brainer.   We pride ourselves as being part of the WordPress community by building all our club websites, and […]

Embed a YouTube Video in your News Articles

If you need to embed a youtube video into your news articles or pages the it is as simple as using a shortcode.   Youtube videos can be embedded into your pages or posts by following the steps below: Goto and find the video you want to embed. Copy the link for the video from […]

Your Online Store Is Now Commission Free

Great News. Now ALL teamthing websites allow you to sell your club merchandise online commission free. No more 5% payments going to for every item you sell online, every penny of what you sell goes straight back to you and your club. We still equip every teamthing website with a fully functional and stylish online store […]

Adding an RSS Widget to Your Site

You can easily connect your site to any RSS feed to show a dynamic list of news articles on your site.   RSS is a technology that is being used by millions of web users around the world to keep track of their favorite websites. RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’. Many people describe it […]

Paste From MS Word

If using the visual editor is not your thing then teamthing allows you to create your news articles in MSWord and then paste them into our site.   When adding a new news article (or page) pasting content from MS Word is a pretty easy process:   First you need to open the advanced toolbar […]

Featured Images

Ever wondered how the image that is shown for your news article on the slider on your home page is chosen?   The answer is the featured image that is set when creating your news article.   Featured images are used throughout your website in different ways including: Used for news article sliders. Some themes […]

Auto Publish News Articles, Pages and Events to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & More

  As a team manager I am always finding it difficult to keep up with the different ways our players and supporters are communicating with one another.  One minute its Facebook, next minute its Twitter and lots still rely on trusty RSS.   Wouldn’t it be great if you could write a news article once, click your publish […]

Add A FlipBook Or Flash To Your Free Site

This article shows how you can embed a flip book or any flash object into any news article or page.   Some our users love to create their club newsletters using flash. This article shows how you can embed these Flash-based newsletters (in the example, using flipbuilder) into your site. does not currently allow […]

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