This article will show you how you can add the tables, results and fixtures from your league’s website into your teamthing website. is a fantastic free service for football teams in the UK to manage their league results and fixtures. Of course, provides its own league management tools but we throughly recommend using […]
Did you know that you will get paid up to £30* for recommending another club to join If the club joins by clicking your affiliate link, and they subsequently sign up for a ‘Pro’ account, you stand to make up to £30 for every club that you sign. We love when people talk […]
One really useful feature of your website is that you can create a customized list of all your member details. Once this list has been compiled it can be exported and used to print mailing labels. In this article we describe how you can quickly add member lists and export your list to a csv file, […]
Classifieds will automatically create 3 (three) pages upon activation. Classifieds My Classifieds Classifieds Checkout Should you have any issues with this not being done or have the need to recreate these page you can completely Trash the pages, then deactivate and re-activate the plugin. We will come back to these in a bit to see […]
If you already own a domain name for your team you can use it instead of your free [myteam] domain name. Once your domain has been registered, the steps to use this address for your site are as follows: Step 1: Map the domain in your teamthing admin area. So, lets go to […]
Do you have events planned and need to sell tickets? Do you want a page where people can RSVP? teamthing have you covered! Our eventing system has everything you can do with Facebook Events, plus a whole lot more: Integrates with PayPal. Sell tickets to your event and accept payment in any major currency. Hassle-free […]
[Updated] This article will show you how you can add the tables, results and fixtures from your league’s FA Full-time website into your teamthing website. The English FA provides a free service to associated leagues that allows them to compile their league tables, fixtures and results publicly on-line. Any club or league with a website […]
As a team manager I am always finding it difficult to keep up with the different ways our players and supporters are communicating with one another. One minute its Facebook, next minute its Twitter and lots still rely on trusty RSS. Wouldn’t it be great if you could write a news article once, click your publish […]
All teamthing sites come equipped with an online store ready to sell your club merchandise and take payments. Some great features of your online store include… Ready to go for tax and VAT. Coupons, discounts and affiliate ready. Unlimited product variations. Stock tracking and alerts per variation. Categories and tags. Stock tracking and order management and alerts. […]
This article discusses tried and tested methods to encourage more visitors to visit your club website. Spoiler Alert: There is no snake oil involved, just common sense and hard work. Rule 1: Make a good website with attractive content The first rule of attracting visitors is to put yourself in their shoes and image what information […]