WordPress is a website management framework used by millions and supported by hundreds of developers; we took our time evaluating the best options for clubs like yours and building upon a framework like WordPress was a no-brainer. We pride ourselves as being part of the WordPress community by building all our club websites, and […]
You now have total control over the menu items that appear on your teamthing website’s pages. Add a new menu group. Your teamthing.com website comes with sample menu groups that you can either edit, or, remove and use completely new ones. These menu groups can then be used in the menu locations that your […]
All teamthing websites now allow you to add a fully customized header to your site. Adding a customized header to your website is easy; you can choose a completely customized header or choose to overlay your site title and logo/badge over a simple background. Adding a fully customized header A fully customized header […]
Ever wondered how the image that is shown for your news article on the slider on your home page is chosen? The answer is the featured image that is set when creating your news article. Featured images are used throughout your website in different ways including: Used for news article sliders. Some themes […]