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Auto Publish News Articles, Pages and Events to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & More

  As a team manager I am always finding it difficult to keep up with the different ways our players and supporters are communicating with one another.  One minute its Facebook, next minute its Twitter and lots still rely on trusty RSS.   Wouldn’t it be great if you could write a news article once, click your publish […]

How to Encourage People To Visit Your Site

This article discusses tried and tested methods to encourage more visitors to visit your club website. Spoiler Alert: There is no snake oil involved, just common sense and hard work.   Rule 1: Make a good website with attractive content The first rule of attracting visitors is to put yourself in their shoes and image what information […]

Changing Your Side Panel Social Slider

  Every new site at comes with some very nice Twitter and Facebook ‘like’ buttons nailed to the left hand side of the screen.   By default, these buttons link to the Facebook and Twitter sites, this can be changed easily to point to your own Facebook or Twitter accounts:   From your […]

Free Sports Websites for Teams, Clubs & Leagues

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