WordPress is a website management framework used by millions and supported by hundreds of developers; we took our time evaluating the best options for clubs like yours and building upon a framework like WordPress was a no-brainer. We pride ourselves as being part of the WordPress community by building all our club websites, and […]
Use your Existing Web Address for your New teamthing.com Website [Updated]
If you already own a domain name for your team you can use it instead of your free [myteam].teamthing.com domain name. Once your domain has been registered, the steps to use this address for your teamthing.com site are as follows: Step 1: Map the domain in your teamthing admin area. So, lets go to […]
Fundraising and CrowdFunding Tools
teamthing comes loaded with powerful fundraising tools to help enable you to raise some much needed funds for your club. The tools give you full control over your fundraising, from the comfort of your dashboard. It’s everything you’ll need, plus a whole lot more: [list] Integrates with PayPal. Create suggested donation levels or let them […]
Fundraising and CrowdFunding Tools
teamthing comes loaded with powerful fundraising tools to help enable you to raise some much needed funds for your club. The tools give you full control over your fundraising, from the comfort of your dashboard. It’s everything you’ll need, plus a whole lot more: [list] Integrates with PayPal. Create suggested donation levels or let them […]