Featured Images

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Ever wondered how the image that is shown for your news article on the slider on your home page is chosen?


The answer is the featured image that is set when creating your news article.


Featured images are used throughout your website in different ways including:

  • Used for news article sliders. Some themes incorporate a photo slider control on their homepage, the featured image is used as the slider image for the news article.
  • Used when displaying lists of news articles. A thumbnail is generated and displayed against


To set a featured image is as simple as dragging and dropping an image from your computer into the featured image section in the add/edit news article screen:

drag-drop-featured-image screenshot 1

The metabox without image attached.

drag-drop-featured-image screenshot 2

The metabox with an image attached.


If you do not want to use the drag and drop functionality you can choose an image using the ‘Select Files’ button:

Open the editor of the post or page where you want to display a unique custom header image, and locate the Featured Image on the right hand side of the page.

Click ‘Select Files’ button.


You will see an uploading screen identical to that used when inserting an image into a news article.

Follow the on-screen prompts to choose the image from your computer and upload it or choose it from one of the images already in your Media Library.

Once the image has successfully been uploaded, look underneath the sizing options, and click Use as featured image:

Don’t forget to click Update on your post/page to save your changes. Your featured image is now set!


To remove or change a featured image, simply re-open the post or page editor and click Remove featured image in the Featured Image module.


Default Image

If you do not set a featured image the first image found in the news article will be used as the featured image.


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