teamthing comes bundled with a host of beautiful professionally designed themes for you to choose from.
You can change your theme at any time by going to Appearance>Themes in your dashboard
Changing your current theme is easy but there a few things you need to be aware of…
Different widget areas. Not all themes support the same features. E.g. some themes support different columns and widget areas. Before you activate the new theme, save all of the code from your widget areas (just copy and paste it somewhere.) When you switch themes, look to see what new widget areas are supported and re-apply your changes.
Update The Design and Colors of Your Ads. If you’re running Google AdSense, Text-Link-Ads or any other form of advertising, chances are you blended those ads into the design and color scheme of your old blog. With a theme change there’s a good chance that you’ve also changed link colors, which means your advertisements won’t be as well blended and designed as before.
Test Using Multiple Browsers. Most people forget to test using multiple browsers, but it’s very important. If you’re using a PC it’s easy to test your website in Firefox and Internet Explorer. On a Mac you can check it out in Firefox and Safari.
Post About The Change On Your Website. Make sure you tell people that you have changed the look and feel of your site. For example, you could create a new news article, auto publish it to Twitter & Facebook and then ask people for feedback using the comment section at the bottom of your news article. People have all kinds of different setups: resolutions, browsers, screen sizes, etc. so they’ll be able to tell you how it looks.